Monday, January 3, 2011

10 reasons I love staying at home

Reasons I love being a Stay At Home Mum

  1. I get to spend everyday with my beautiful baby girl
  2. The way Rona smiles at me whenever I walk into a room
  3. I get to nap when Rona does
  4. I get to run errands on a weekday, instead of a Saturday when everyone else does
  5. Weekends are spent on quality time with Husband, rather than being exhausted from paid work all week
  6. I have time to blog :)
  7. I get to spend time baking when the mood hits
  8. I get the opportunity to catch up with my sister and her children during the week (because they homeschool)
  9. I get to witness all of Rona's milestones, not hear about them from others
  10. Waking up hearing Rona's voice everyday

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